
Are you looking for taxi booking app development company?

Get a pre-built configurable app solution and software for your taxi business from $350 per month
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Are you looking for a software developer for your taxi business?

Is your taxi dispatch software outdated?

The developer does not update or support your app or ignores your requests?
You can't automate business processes or deal with bookings quickly enough, so you can't compete with other taxi companies and aggregators?

Why do so many businesses abandon their plans to develop taxi dispatch software?

We understand that creating taxi dispatch software from the ground up is a difficult, time-consuming, and costly undertaking. We offer a pre-built industry-specific app solution with a wide range of basic capabilities and settings to save you time and money.
We will be pleased to design new features to match your needs if you feel the need to expand the existing capabilities.
You don't want to start from scratch because it's time-consuming and costly.

Take use of our pre-built app solution for your taxi service, which includes hundreds of appropriate options.

Developing a customizable solution based on pre-built taxi dispatch software

A flexible solution from the developer for your taxi business
Well-tested software from the developer with 19 years of experience
Pre-built product with configurable settings to meet your needs
Fast implementation thanks to hundreds of existing scripts

Taxi booking app development

  • White-Label Taxi App Solution – branding for your corporate identity
  • Designed specifically for Android and iOS
  • The application has been adapted for and tested by a large number of taxi companies
  • Flexible tariff settings, like those of aggregators
  • One-click booking
  • Payment by card, integration with various payment systems
  • Bonus programs for your customers
  • Driver-passenger chat
  • 100+ languages
  • Driver ratings
Get a branded mobile app customized for your taxi company
A unique app that best suits the needs of your taxi company. Your customers would love it. They will keep coming back again and again.

Stand out among the rest taxi companys and aggregators with elegant design and flexible settings.
mobile app Taxi-Master

Development of a mobile app for drivers

  • Easy to use. The drivers will quickly learn how to use it to respond to bookings in one click.
  • Integration with popular maps for choosing the best route
  • Automatic distribution of bookings without dispatcher involvement
  • The driver can start the shift with a photo of the car's appearance instead of going to the office
  • The driver can choose a booking, depending on its cost and distance to the customer
  • A priority system to encourage drivers to work during rush hours and on weekends
  • Rating the drivers to improve the quality of customer service and motivate the drivers to comply with working conditions to receive more profitable orders
  • An individual account for the driver; online payment for the shift without having to visit the office
Mobile app for your drivers
The Taxi-Master software package, in addition to a convenient mobile application for passengers, also has a modern functional application for accepting orders by drivers
mobile app for the work of drivers in a taxi company

Development of taxi dispatch software

Get complete, tried-and-true capabilities for automating and managing your taxi service.

The Taxi-Master app includes four types of accounts:

Choose well-tested popular tools of the pre-built taxi dispatch software.

Voice Assistant
A service for processing calls without a dispatcher: recognizes the start and destination addresses, creates a booking in the taxi dispatch software.
Referral Codes
Reward schemes for dispatcher taxi services. They allow you to attract new customers without having to pay advertising costs.
Payment by card
Allows you to accept payment for shifts from drivers and trips from passengers 24 hours a day.
GPS tracking for vehicle location
Tracks the location of drivers and prevents conflicts and losses.
Modern telephoning service
Distributes calls to free dispatchers and automatically notifies customers about the booking status and the caller queue position.
Voice response that is interactive
It Saves time for dispatchers, builds client trust, attracts drivers, and improves the company's image.
Automatic number recognition is carried out
One of the main telephony functions of the software, which can be utilized with a softphone or a call center.
Program of bonuses
It aids in customer retention and encourages repeat reservations.
TMDriver App
For operational communication between the dispatcher and the driver without walkie-talkies. Attract more drivers of different categories on different cooperation conditions.
App banning
Allows you to control drivers so that they work only with you and do not violate the terms of employment.
City maps
Ability to work with popular online maps and maps of the Polish format.
Your current software is outdated and doesn't meet your demands?
We update all of our software components three times more frequently than other developers. We launched four significant updates in 2020, totaling more than 100 new features.
  • Customized approach to taxi dispatch software development

    Each taxi business is unique, so Taxi Master is happy to develop additional features and adapt them to your needs.

    The introduction of scripts and the configuration of the Event System allows you to increase performance and automate business processes. Your business is growing, and your profit is increasing.
  • With the additional settings of the taxi dispatch software, you can:
    • Make sure customers who've made expensive orders get back to you over and over again
    • Increase the cost of the booking if the customer has canceled several bookings
    • Change the prices depending on the weather
    • Identify unscrupulous drivers or operators
    • Monitor and charge fines to drivers from your fleet
  • Taxi app development company Bit Master
    Bit Master is a Russian IT company, designer of software and applications for taxi booking. Since 2003 we've been developing programs for taxi services. We have already implemented more than 3500 projects.

    The company is being constantly developed and improves its main products: program for taxi automation, Uber-like application, services and accounts for clients and managers of taxi services.
  • As a taxi app developer, Bit Master:
    • Provides for possibility of development and optimization of mobile application for operation system Android and iOS
    • Guarantees 24-hour technical support at all stages of program introduction;
    • Regularly issues upgrades and additions to its programs;
    • Provides the individual setup of taxi application in accordance with your demands;
    • Helps in promotion of taxi service
Reduce costs with automation taxi system
Maxim Galimov talks about how to create an efficient taxi company like Uber.
The taxi industry is under the pressure of aggregators, such as Uber or Lyft. In Europe, there are other players, in Russia it is Yandex.Taxi. You're in the taxi automation business for a long time. Tell us how a taxi company may compete with aggregators? Or, in other words, how to be as effective as Uber?
Maxim Galimov from Taxi-Master company
Software for new taxi services
Taxi-based delivery
Deliver goods from shops, pharmacies and cafes by taxi company cars. Drivers receive such orders in their application, operators can control routes to delivery addresses.
Moving service
Open a cargo delivery service under a different brand and with different phone numbers to get additional profit in a new niche.
Taxi branch
Open branches of the taxi company in other cities without restrictions within the same software package. Launch one or more services under different brands in your hometown.
Why choose us?
4000+ clients worldwide
Taxi companies in 25 countries of the world operate
on our software
20+ years
We develop software for taxi business
140 employees
Work in the development, testing, technical support, implementation and customer support departments
Benefits with Taxi-Master
  • 1
    Flexible configuration of functionality
    The standard functionality of the software already covers 95% of the needs of our clients. Hundreds of settings allow you to implement any of your business processes.
  • 2
    Personal improvements
    Everything that you have not found in the software, we implement through additional scripts: tariffs, auto assignment, rules for calculating bonuses, telephony scenarios and much more.
  • 3
    Advanced API for advanced features
    Taxi-Master API is a software interface that allows other services and systems to interact with Taxi-Master. The API helps to integrate Taxi-Master with the service's CRM system, 1C program, payment terminals for drivers, service website.
Feedback on the Taxi-Master
"ABC taxi" company
Vyacheslav Shchukin, head of the IT department.
Hurghada city, Egypt
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BIT-Master is a Taxi-Master software developer, an international IT company with over 19 years of experience, a leader in the development of taxi software and services. BIT-Master is the creator of the Taxi-Master software, mobile applications for passengers and drivers, as well as dozens of services, thanks to which dispatchers and taxi companies can use the best solutions.
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